Ionică Bizău

Programmer, Pianist & Organist, Jesus follower

Using NodeJS to convert images into ASCII art

I've released a new version of the image-to-ascii NodeJS package which is used for converting images into ASCII art.

It's super easy to use. Let's take a look.


You have to install GraphicsMagick before using this package:

$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick # Ubuntu
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CLI GitHub - A fancy GitHub client for the command line

Using GitHub in a browser like Chrome, Firefox etc. is fine, but not always comfortable. When you always stay in a Terminal window, pressing alt + tab becomes annoying. This problem can be solved using a text browser (e.g. Elinks). However, using a text browser for browsing GitHub is not the most comfortable way to access GitHub resources.

That's why I created CLI GitHub: a fancy GitHub client for the command line, written in NodeJS.


Before installing cli-github, you have to ensure that NodeJS and GraphicsMagick are installed. If they are installed already, you can install CLI GitHub.

Installation and Usage

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Uploading videos to YouTube using NodeJS

Using different service APIs may be difficult, especially for beginners, but not only. In this post, I will try to make clearer how to upload a video on YouTube, using NodeJS.

Back in 2013 I published my first NPM module: youtube-api–an object-oriented wrapper for the YouTube v3 API. People liked this module and the feedback came. Contributions, bug reports, stars etc. That means people actually used my module which is incredible. 💫

So, let's suppose you have a video file (codename: video.mp4) and you want to upload it on your YouTube account. While there are a couple of authenticating methods (JWT, OAuth2, Server Key etc), to upload videos on YouTube, you need OAuth2 authentication.

The documentation cleary states:

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Introducing the Blah Command Line Tool

Working with NodeJS modules I was doing the following repetitive boring tasks:

  1. Create the, LICENSE, .gitignore files.
  2. Bump package.json versions.
  3. Add documentation.
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[email protected] is released

Statique is a Node.JS static server module that has built-in routing and caching stuff. The new version comes with a lot of fixes and features.


The following things were made in the new version:

  • Improved readFile method (using file streams)
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Creating a Twitter Bootstrap theme with Compass

Supposing you already have Compass installed on your machine, you can easily create your own Twitter Bootstrap theme. I'm running Compass 1.0.1 (Polaris) on Ubuntu 14.04.

There is a GitHub repository that contains a guide for how to create a Twitter Bootstrap theme with Compass. Based on that, I will write here how to create and edit such a theme.

Set correct rights for gems and install bootstrap-sass

After running the command below, you will not need root access when installing gems.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/lib/gems/
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[email protected] is released

Sometimes I need to parse strings as regular expressions. For example, having a string like "/hello world/gi", it should be converted into a real regular expression: /hello world/gi.

For doing this, I built a Node.JS module, named regex-parser, that parses such strings. I'm happy to announce the first stable release.

You can download it via git or npm:

# From GitHub, using git
$ git clone [email protected]:IonicaBizau/node-regex-parser.git node-regex-parser
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Switzerland, GitHub and Octocats

Two weeks ago I was in Switzerland, together with my colleagues from jillix. It was the first time I'd traveled by plane. We had a great time together!

I also had the opportunity to meet Ivan Žužak (@izuzak), who works in technical support at Github. He helped me with using the

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Introducing MiniLightbox

I've just released an image lightbox library that has a very simple API. Its name is MiniLightbox. It's minimalist and doesn't depend on any library (e.g. jQuery). It only uses JavaScript, but combined with the power of CSS3 transitions, it's everything I expect from a minimalist lightbox.


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